This blog was started, because I've come to realize that I've been telling my students a lot of things. Useful experience, lessons that I've learnt the hard way, etc. while teaching Salsa.

All those stuff were never properly recorded. I did write some articles but I guess they were lost in some obscure corner now.

Hopefully with this blog, .... those information/tips can be put to better use.

(also, please pardon my broken English / Singlish.... I prefer to be 'informal' when writing, hopefully people can still understand what I'll be writing. I hope none of these posts sound too obnoxious or arrogant. Do feel free to post your comments as well. :P)

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Xen's System - why does it work (Basic Class!)

There was an international Salsa instructor who once said:
"Basic dancers go for intermediate class, intermediate dancers go for advance class, Advance dancer? They go back to do basic"

In Xen, we keep telling people. Go for basic class. Yes, even the advance dancers. But Why???

This is because, basic is the foundation. Only with a strong foundation can we build a powerful structure. Think of it as the piling work of a building. Once it's done and firm, the rest of the building can pop up very very quickly. Conversely, a building without proper foundation will topple in no time even if there is a small quake.

Now what's the point about repeating your basic when u already know them?

My answer is:
1) To get it into muscle memory
2) Only when it's muscle memory, can the lead focus on other things.
3) What other things? - Lead! Patterns! Styling! Environmental awareness! etc. So many things!
4) And... do be able to do it nicely, cleanly AT ALL TIMES.

As a lead, we need to do a lot.
We have to know our steps
We have to think of what pattern to use
We have to interpret the music
We have to LEAD our partners to do the patterns
We have to protect our partner (very often the dance floor can be as hostile as a battlefield)

If we still have to think of the basic steps, we will not be able to do all the other stuff!

Often my students ask me, how do I find time to think of what to do next?

I tell them my secret....... I do stuff from basic class (e.g. CBL, Simple Turn, CBLT) while thinking of the next move.

Your partner will be busy turning and styling to bother with what u are thinking. And since you are not on the spot doing nothing, people won't know that you are thinking. BUT, to be able to THINK while doing CBL, CBLT, etc. leading the girl and watching the dance floor.... u need to do be able to 'do it in your sleep'.

That is what repeating the basic class is for!!!! ---> Muscle memory

Having said all that.... there is a well known saying.. practice makes perfect. But you do not want to perfect the wrong thing! i.e. it's very important not to practice a mistake until u 'perfect it' to the extent it's impossible to correct.

This is another reason why we should attend class versus practicing on our own (some people like to do this). The instructor could help u spot problems.

Even if the instructor doesn't, there is one other key thing we need to do during class that will cater for this: --> THE MIRROR.

After doing the same old stuff so many times, we will sure get super bored. So what should we do? LOOK AT THE MIRROR!! Make sure we look good doing the same old stuff! Make sure we do it perfectly every time! Also look for mistakes, don't do it for the sake of doing.

Now the last part. In every class, we can always learn something. Especially precious are the newbies. When we see newcomers, we can learn from their mistakes by NOT making those mistakes. When we lead new girls, it's also a challenge/proof that u've learnt the move by being able to lead 1st time salsa dancers to do all the basic moves!

Lastly.... when we go social dancing, we will inevitably pick up lots of bad habits (dangling hands, lazy foot, etc.). Going back to basics is a sure way to clean up all the bad habits before they get too ingrained.

This is why,... BASIC class is so important and Xen has it EVERYDAY. It's almost 'free' if you sign up for the super saver package.... , but sadly I see people attend 2 of 3 times and STOP, thinking they already know all the moves (why waste time??? LOL). So many of them rather SIT one side watch the class rather than join the class (even when they are already entitled to the class in their package). I wish I had the time to tell them what I wrote in this article.

I told quite a few people, I've attended 100 hours of basic before I seriously plunged into inter and advance moves (during the 100 hours, I do attend inter class as well). After this 100 hours (done in about 3 months), I could step the correct foot and identify the count in the music without thinking. This allowed me to focus on all the other stuff (like learning patterns, taking care of the follower, etc.) But... more often than not, I see doubts when they hear this :) They must be thinking.... really so siao meh, do the same old shit so many times, kekeke.

Another side benefit of such a system is.... even guys like me who are quite 'challenged' when it comes to physical coordination (commonly known as 2-left-feet type) can learn how to dance! What talented people take 1 week to learn, I might take a whole month, but this environment/system allowed me to do it at very low cost and with little discrimination. Yeah for the slow learners!!!

Now, nobody belief me when I tell them I'm a slow learner, lol. Coz they never see the days when I've 1st started! Still remember during ice skating days,.... what kids took 1 week to learn, I took 3 months, sigh. Spent so much $$$ on it. Luckily for me in salsa, the cost is so much lower. What I lacked in physical talent, I made up with sheer determination, as well as properly planning. I will attempt to share as much as possible with the rest of the entries in this blog.

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