This blog was started, because I've come to realize that I've been telling my students a lot of things. Useful experience, lessons that I've learnt the hard way, etc. while teaching Salsa.

All those stuff were never properly recorded. I did write some articles but I guess they were lost in some obscure corner now.

Hopefully with this blog, .... those information/tips can be put to better use.

(also, please pardon my broken English / Singlish.... I prefer to be 'informal' when writing, hopefully people can still understand what I'll be writing. I hope none of these posts sound too obnoxious or arrogant. Do feel free to post your comments as well. :P)

Sunday 27 June 2010

Musicality and Vocabulary

Many dancers talk about playing with the music, musicality, etc.
In order for that to happen, one has to do a few things:

1) Knowing the music, using the accents. How does one know the music? Keep listening to the songs! The more you listen, the more you know! Pay attention to the structure of the songs and the different types of instruments, music style, etc.

2) After you know the songs, u need to find moves to fit the music! How to do that? Learning dance moves is like learning a language, e.g. English. U need to start from Alphabets and build from there!

Learn English, Alphabets -> words -> sentences -> essays -> Poems

By the time u reach the state of being a poet, it's like being able to play with the music at will on the dance floor :)

3) For leads who worry about not having enough vocabulary (patterns), don't worry, because the girls don't really care even if we repeat some of our moves! (yes, the girls told me this). As long as you do not keep repeating it over and over again in the same dance. Mix it here and there, Repeat a few sets in different order to keep them fresh :)

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