This blog was started, because I've come to realize that I've been telling my students a lot of things. Useful experience, lessons that I've learnt the hard way, etc. while teaching Salsa.

All those stuff were never properly recorded. I did write some articles but I guess they were lost in some obscure corner now.

Hopefully with this blog, .... those information/tips can be put to better use.

(also, please pardon my broken English / Singlish.... I prefer to be 'informal' when writing, hopefully people can still understand what I'll be writing. I hope none of these posts sound too obnoxious or arrogant. Do feel free to post your comments as well. :P)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

How to add styling

When salsa dancers start learning how to style, a common issue is that they can't put what they have learnt during class into social dances.

This is often the result of being too 'greedy' and lack of planning. Planning when dancing salsa??? LOL, YES

Why greedy? Coz they tried to do EVERYTHING. It won't work (unless you are a genius). Coz most people cannot handle too many things at one go.

One technique is... PRE-SELECT a few styling moves (recommend up to 4 maximum).
PLAN how you want to use them in which moves.

Go out and use them on EVERY girl on the dance floor that night in every song.
By the end of the night, those moves you've chosen should be internalized (i.e. muscle memory).

Pick another set for the next night :)

The good thing about being a lead is that we get to choose the moves we want to do and thus has more control on the styling aspect. Make full use of this advantage.

For followers, the above method works as well. Prepare those few styling moves you want to focus and work on. Then during every dance of the night, use them whenever opportunity arise. By the end of the night, those moves should be internalized (or maybe a few nights, depending on the complexity and opportunity)

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